Friday, August 24, 2012

Convert an array to object in PHP using a recursive function

function array_to_object($variable){ if (is_array($variable)){ $object = new StdClass(); foreach ($variable as $key=>$value){ $object->$key = array_to_object($value); } return $object; } else{ return $variable; } }

Convert an object to array in PHP using a recursive function

function object_to_array($variable){ if (is_object($variable)){ $array = array(); foreach ($variable as $key=>$value){ $array[$key] = object_to_array($value); } return $array; } else{ return $variable; } }

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Stooges & The Fugees

Coincidence ? Maybe...

The Stooges' eponym album cover :

The Fugees' second album cover :

Though there isn't any relationship between the music of the two of them, the album covers do share a very similar graphic design...